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Learn more about the Clean Tech Digital Innovation Hubs

The following Digital Innovation Hubs are active under the AEDIB theme Clean Tech


Cleantech216 is a hybrid hub for the development, prototyping, and incubation of clean technologies to improve climate resilience. It is focusing on innovating in cleantech solutions for the private sector.

Founders of Cleantech216:

Future Islands

We are an innovation laboratory based on people and sharing.


TalentLab is a training centre for futurists in quality and innovation.

CleanTech Hub Nairobi

CleanTech Hub Nairobi is a digital and physical resource center that supports CleanTech SMEs to digitize their operations and offering.

Founders of CleanTech Hub Nairobi:

Circle Innovation

Driving Innovation in Africa


Fostering innovation in the circular economy


We strategically support African entrepreneurs & impact enterprises