Juego que cambia de startups.
Una red de capital.
Próximos Programas
Visión general de las oportunidades.
Mentorship Marketplace
Buscar mentores o convertirse en uno.
Startup Academy
Cursos en línea y materiales de aprendizaje.
Noticias relacionadas con el inicio.
¿Qué es VC4A?
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El equipo de VC4A.
VC4A para negocios.
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Preguntas frecuentes
Preguntas frecuentes.
Cloud-based emr platform that saves time for medical providers
Ntapi is making accessible education fun and affordable for Africans
We build, own and operate autonomous drones to deliver medical supply
Tech powering the pharma industry to improve access to safe meds.
All-in-one digital toolkit seamless team and project management
Precision Agriculture through prescription planting/Seeding
The future of investments in climate-resilient agriculture communities
Trusted Trade and Finance Partner for Local Stores
Redefining contactless payments and rewards for hospitality
IMPROVING plant yield using electro stimulation technology